Performance comparison between low-density parity-check codes and reed-solomon codes in wireless channels

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering::Electrical and electronic engineering
dc.contributor.authorAbdul Karim, Ierwan
dc.description.abstractThis final year project involves designing of the Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes using Matlab. These codes can perform the error control and correction before data being transmitted in wireless environment. There are three channels used as wireless environment i.e. the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Rician Fading Channel and Rayleigh Fading Channel. In this project, grayscale image is used as the data source. The quality of the output grayscale image after decoder of LDPC codes or RS codes can be measured using the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) by comparing the output with the input grayscale image. So, the performance of the LDPC codes and RS codes in different channel can be analyzed using the value of PSNR. As a result, we will get different set value of PSNR and output image according to the ability of the codes in error correcting. The quality of output grayscale image is considered good if the value of the PSNR is above 30dB. Overall, performance in error control and correction data being transmitted in wireless environment is better for using LDPC codes in AWGN channel and RS codes in Rician and Rayleigh Fading channels.
dc.titlePerformance comparison between low-density parity-check codes and reed-solomon codes in wireless channels
dc.typeResource Types::text::report
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia