Validation efficiency improvement for a continuously evolving product – total cost of ownership (tco)

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Ooi, Siew Chin
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The title of this final year project is “VALIDATION EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT FOR A CONTINUOUSLY EVOLVING PRODUCT – TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP (TCO)”. There are in general, two parts of improvement that can be done for the product, TCO. First is to design an automation script for TCO focus test, while the second is to do failure analysis documentation for TCO focus test. For the first part of this project, automation script helps in minimizing human resources for routine tasks. Perl programming language is used to produce this automation script. By using this automation script, the user gets to spend less time to run a test(s) and the summarized result of the tests are produced for easier and more convenient references. Thus, with this automation script, the validation process of TCO is improved and can be performed in a more efficient manner. For the second part of this project, failure analysis documentation will be produced. There are always some failures detected during the testing, namely software and hardware failures. When there is a failure, there is a need to find the root cause and solution to fix it. These are documented so that it serves as references and benefit the next generation in the future. With this documentation, when other users faced similar situations, they can refer to it for solutions and prevent from making the same mistakes. Thus, this helps in making the validation process perform more effectively.