Balancing control of battery banks in electric vehicles using a DC-DC converter

datacite.subject.fosoecd::Engineering and technology::Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering::Electrical and electronic engineering
dc.contributor.authorWong, Wai Kin
dc.description.abstractNowadays, battery cell is widely used and developed for various reasons. This technology had been seeming like a new way for the user to work any devices or machines without power supply. The main problem of the battery cell is balancing control. Without balancing control, the health of the battery cell will decrease and the cost of maintenance and changing it will be very high. Therefore, DC-DC converter is needed to make sure the balancing control work. Zeta converter provides a positive output voltage from an input voltage that varies above and below the output voltage. The balancing control method is active balancing. Active balancing is work for all kind of battery cells. To make sure the balancing control work, controller is needed. This thesis starts with modelling Zeta converter and followed by connection with a controller. The input power of this system is a connection of 10 batteries in series. Therefore, this paper deals with balancing control of battery cell in electric vehicle using DC-DC converter. This simulation-based project is done by using MATLAB R2022a software.
dc.titleBalancing control of battery banks in electric vehicles using a DC-DC converter
dc.typeResource Types::text::report::technical report
dspace.entity.typePublication Sains Malaysia