3d robotic vision

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Silvarajoo, Kamalappriya
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Research Projects
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One of the most important part in our human body is our eyes. Our vision are key player in our body because of the hand – eye coordination. Hand eye coordination is the coordinated control of eye movement with hand movement and the processing of visual input to guide locate, identify and grasping an object with the use of proprioception of the hands to guide the eyes. In industrial world, identification of a subject is high priority since the position and orientation of a subject is highly recommended. The use of the vision system is to compute the locus and the orientation of a subject.2D robotic vision system was created to capture an image of a subject and 2D vision system are using two dimensional map (X, Y) of reflected intensity. The vision system are develop to 3D which is more convenient and advanced to compute the position and orientation of a subject. This project is designed to control the robotic arm via automated visual feedback accurately. In this project, the derivation of the transfer function which maps the camera and robotic coordination system in 3D. Results that obtain through this experimental, the real world ground image will be created. Day by day new innovation are making our life less complex. This 3D vision system could be one of the next technologies with betterment that bring the future nearer.