Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Monetary Versus Fiscal Policies In Malaysia Using Macroeconometric Approaches

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Ismail, Siti Fatimah
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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the roles of monetary and fiscal policies in achieving Malaysia's basic macroeconomic goals of price stability and long-term growth. This thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part employs nonlinear modelling techniques to investigate the nonlinear effect of policy stances on GDP growth and inflation using Malaysian data from 1980Q1 to 2018Q1. The results of the STAR and TAR approaches reveal the existence of a nonlinear relationship. The results show that no single policy tool can lead to the policy objectives of high GDP growth and low inflation at once. Both STAR and TAR results evident that the fiscal tools of government expenditure, current account balance and debt are harmful to the economic growth and the impact on inflation is either negative or not significant. In terms of monetary policy, the policy rate is a less effective tool to stimulate GDP growth but is a better option to control or reduce inflation. Meanwhile, real effective exchange rate encourages GDP growth but it does not influence price level significantly. The STAR model is a preferred model in capturing the gradual threshold adjustment in economic variables. In the second part of the analysis, a macroeconometric model is developed to evaluate the performance of Malaysia's monetary and fiscal policies as well as to project different economic outcomes and scenarios through numerical simulations.
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Monetary Versus Fiscal Policies , Malaysia Using Macroeconometric Approaches