Publication: Design of a hybrid desiccant air conditioner
Mat Sahar, Saiful Izwan
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Hybrid desiccant cooling systems are emerging as an energy efficient, environmentally
benign and human friendly alternative to the conventional vapour compression
refrigeration systems for comfort cooling applications. In this study, a hybrid desiccant
cooling system was designed to meet the humid tropical condition of Malaysia.
Dehumidification process, which conducted in a wetted wall absorber, is then followed
by a smaller capacity of vapour compression refrigeration system for sensible cooling.
In this system, a liquid desiccant was used. The desiccant will be regenerated directly
in a solar regenerator/collector. From a psychrometric analysis, this hybrid desiccant
cooling system will reduce up to 37.89 % of cooling capacity compared to the
conventional system after considering about 10 % of parasitic power requirement from
fan and pump usage.