Analisis Kausatif Bahasa Melayu Berdasarkan Korpus Menggunakan Pendekatan Minimalis

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Mohammad, Siti Khaotijah
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A study of causative structure construction is a study of Malay sentences that have a causative verb in complex word form or sentences that have two verbs. The issue that is highlighted in this study is that Malay causative form does not only appear in {me_kan} and {me i} form but also in other forms. For this reason, this study propounds an analysis of Malay causative using the minimalist approach. This approach is a theory of grammar whose core assumption is that grammars should be described in terms of the minimal set of theoretical and descriptive apparatus necessary. From this study three Malay causatives construction are obtained, that is (i) morphological causative; (ii) analytical causative; and (iii) lexical causative. Morphological c.a usative is a causative form that is obtained by morphologically combining a verb root that expresses some event with a bound morpheme. While the analytical causative is a form of sentence that has two verbs in one sentence. Lexical causative is a causative form that is derived from an intransitive verb corresponding to it. As a start, we hope that the pattern and form of Malay causatives that we have obtained in this study, could be used as a rule to generate Malay causative sentences using the traditional method as well as computatiouat analysis.
Language and Literature