Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Synthesis, Characterization And Structural Studies Of Palladium(Ii) Complexes With Some Substituted Phosphine And Arsine Ligands
    Mohidin Yahya, Hamdya Farhana
    The reaction between PdCl2(MeCN)2 with substituted phosphine and arsine ligand lead to the formation of palladium (II) complexes through the substitution of the labile MeCN group. Most of the complexes are mononuclear complexes except for tris-(p-methylphenyl)arsine ligand it manages to obtain both mononuclear and dinuclear complex.
  • Publication
    Pengesahan Pemboleh Ubah Bagi Mengukur Kesediaan Dan Kebolehan Guru Sekolah Menengah Mengguna Komputer Dalam Menjalankan Tugas Pentadbiran Dan Pengajaran
    Abd. Rahman, Yusni
    Kajian ini cuba meneliti dan meninjau sejauhmana guru-guru sekolah menengah bersedia dan berkebolehan mengguna komputer dalam menjalankan tugas pentadbiran dan pengajaran. Secara amnya, kajian ini mempunyai dua tujuan utama, iaitu (i) membentuk dan menilai empat pembolehubah bersandar iaitu 'Kesediaan Guru Mengguna Komputer (KMK-BI); Kesediaan Guru Mengguna Komputer dalam Tugas Pentadbiran dan Pengajaran (KMK.-B2); Kefahaman Guru Tentang Komputer (KTK); dan Kebolehan Guru Mengguna Komputer dalam Tugas Pentadbiran dan Pengajaran (KMKTPP) dari segi kesahan dan kebolehpercayaannya, dan· (ii) mengetahui perhubungan di antara keempat-empat pembolehubah bersandar.
  • Publication
    The Effectiveness Of Fire Safety Measures Of Government Hospital Buildings In Johor, Malaysia
    Othman, Jamil Hj. Abdullah @
    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are biopolyesters with thermoplastic properties that are biocompatible and biodegradable. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] is the most common PHA produced by various microorganisms, but its application is limited due to its stiffness. Incorporating a secondary monomer such as 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) contributes to several PHA properties improvement, including flexibility, elasticity, and biodegradability. High-cost oleic acid and organic acids are preferred by most PHA-producing bacteria as the carbon sources for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-co-3HV)] production. This study demonstrated the evaluation of a lipase genes-harbouring transformant for PHA production from palm olein and 1-pentanol as alternatives to oleic acid and valeric acid. In this study, a clone, Cupriavidus malaysiensis USMAA2-4ABH16 which is the transformant of C. malaysiensis USMAA2-4 was successfully constructed. C. malaysiensis USMAA2-4ABH16 harbouring expressible Cupriavidus necator H16 lipAB genes accumulated more than 60 wt% of P(3HB-co-3HV) using palm olein and 1-pentanol as the carbon sources. Nucleotide sequence alignment of the lipAB insert showed 100% identities with C. necator H16 lipAB genes and expect value of 0.0. C. malaysiensis USMAA2-4ABH16 showed 4-fold higher growth and 8-fold higher lipase activity compared to C. necator H16 under cobalt and alcohol stress.
  • Publication
    Faktor Penentu Prestasi Peminjam Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia; Motivasi Sebagai Pemoderat
    Mat Nor, Mat Hussin
    Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) ialah sebuah badan Amanah yang memberi pinjaman mikro dengan menggunakan kaedah social collateral kepada golongan yang kurang berkemampuan. AIM ditubuhkan bagi membantu golongan miskin terutamanya wanita agar dapat keluar daripada belenggu kemiskinan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji samada faktor sikap pembelajaran, orientasi keusahawanan, personaliti dan pemerkasaan wanita mempengaruhi prestasi sahabat AIM dan juga samada motivasi merupakan faktor pemoderat terhadap kejayaan sahabat AIM dinegeri Kelantan.
  • Publication
    Nutritional Composition And Biological Evaluation Of Ficus Hispida Leaves
    Abdul Aziz, Siti Hajar
    This study aims investigate the biological potential of Ficus hispida belonging to Family of Moraceae. The cross-section of F. hispida leaf under light microscope showed the presence of xylem, phloem, vascular bundle, collenchyma, unicellular and glandular trichomes, stomata, mesophyll, intercellular space and epidermal layer. The abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaf observed via scanning electron microscope overviewed on the polygonal pavement cells, hairy trichome with bulbous base and prickly end, micropapillae, stomata and the paracytic subsidiary cell. Macronutrients of N (2.96±0.02 %), K. (826±1.63 ppm), Ca (5I3.93±1.33ppm), and Mg (43±0.53 ppm) and micronutrients Zn (0.67±0.00 ppm), and Fe (2.53±0.00 ppm) were determined via Kjedahl method and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.