The Optimisation Of Growth Regulators, Precursors And Elicitors Supplementation For Maximum Limonene And Linalool Accumulation In Cell Cultures Of Citrus Grandis (L.) Osbeck

dc.contributor.authorZakaria, Zarina
dc.description.abstractThe study on Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck encompasses tissue culture production and the extraction of limonene and linalool. The tissue culture methodology comprises of sterilisation, induction and maintenance of callus on media favouring cell growth, to favour production of limonene. Explants sterilisation attained high yields of sterile explants (~ 90%) in treatment with 20% Chlorox® (I% sodium hypochloride). Callus gro\\rth is favourable from explants originated from 5-week-old fruits and cultured on modified MS media with 510 mg/1 phosphate, 3 mg/1 each 2,4-D and kinetin and 0.2 mg/1 ABA. Limonene was first detected from 7- month-old callus up to 10-month-old cultures which yields the highest limonene concentration before slightly down at the 11th month. The amount of linalool extracted was highest from 7-month-old callus and decreased as the age of callus cultures increased. Media 6 with supplementation of 51 0 mg/1 phosphate, 0.2 mg/1 ABA and 3 mg/1 2,4-D and kinetin respectively, gave maximum concentration of limonene, which is 0.0031 mg/g fresh weight of callus. The effects of supplementation various concentrations of exogenous mevalonic acid (MY A) and linalool to C. grandis callus cultured at varying periods were studied. Callus grov,rth was found to be proportional to the concentrations of MY A and linalc~_ol especially during the first 6 weeks. Slow in callus gro\\rth was observed after week 7 in the cultures. Limonene accumulation was detected as early as week 4 and continued to increase until week I in added cultures, whereas no limonene was traced in cultures which were no MYA or linalool added. The highest limonene accumulation, 0.0030 mg/g and 0.0032 mglg was obtained from cultures added with 0.077 mM MY A and 0.838 mM linalool respectively after the i 11 week of the culture period. Linalool accumulation improved when 0.384 mM and higher concentrations of MYA was added and reduced commencing from the 41 h to the ih week in the cultures. The consecutive supplementation of MV A followed by linalool had shot up the limonene accumulation to 0.0058 mg/g. Mevalonic acid supplied at 0.077 mM demonstrated an inverse relationship between the callus growth and the limonene accumulation rates in the first 31 days, whereas cultures supplied with 0.384 mM MVA sho\ved a direct relationship between the callus growth and the limonene accumulation rates throughout the culture period. Supplementation of 0.559 mM linalool to the cultures increased the limonene accumulation rate for the first 3 7 days and decreased thereafter. On the contrary, the callus growth rate continuously increased throughout the culture period. With the supplementation of 0.838 mM linalool, the limonene accumulation rate rapidly increased while the callus growth rate dropped after 39 days. Observation on TEM showed that there was no change at the ultrastructure level for added callus in comparison to cultures without the supplementation of MV A or linalool. Yeast extract which was used in the elicitation study revealed that a concentration of 1 00 mg/1 resulted in maximum callus growth. The elicitation effect of chitosan on the limonene accumulation was based on media conductivity where chitosan was found effective only when used between 0.5 to 1.0 mg per g fresh \Vt. callus. Yeast extract and chitosan as elicitors enhanced the limonene accumulation in the callus cultures. Maximum limonene accumulation at a concentration of 0.0028 mg/g and 0.0036 mg/g was achieved when induced with 100 mg/1 of yeast extract and 1.0 mg/g fresh v..rt. chitosan respectively. A high concentration of yeast extract and chitosan, 150 mg/1 and 2.0 mg/g fresh wt. respectively, resulted in low linalool accumulation. Cultures left for a longer period of more than 5 weeks with yeast extract and 2 hours with chitosan also accumulated low linalool. Combined linalool-yeast extract cultures accumulated maximum limonene at concentrations of0.0051 mg/g in the 51 h week ofthe culture period.en_US
dc.subjectDistance Educationen_US
dc.subjectOptimisation Of Growth Regulatorsen_US
dc.titleThe Optimisation Of Growth Regulators, Precursors And Elicitors Supplementation For Maximum Limonene And Linalool Accumulation In Cell Cultures Of Citrus Grandis (L.) Osbecken_US
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