Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh - Tesis
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- PublicationUnsur Sejarah Sebagai Satu Strategi Naratif Dalam Syair Perang Menteng Dan Syair Sultan Maulana: Satu Kajian Bandingan(2021-12)Wan Roshazli Wan RazaliKajian ini membincangkan unsur sejarah sebagai satu strategi naratif secara perbandingan dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana. Objektif utama kajian adalah untuk mengetengahkan unsur sejarah yang telah diguna oleh pengarang sebagai ilham penciptaan dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana. Untuk memperdalamkan perbincangan, kajian ini didasarkan kepada teori naratif oleh Mieke Bal (2017) dan kerangka konsep sastera perbandingan oleh Susan Bassnett (1991). Beerdasarkan kepada teori naratif, lima prinsip yang akan diaplikasi dalam perbincangan kajian ini iaitu watak, latar, ideologi, pengarang dan teks. Di samping itu juga, kajian ini turut diperkemaskan lagi bersama pendekatan kesusasteraan bandingan melalui tiga prinsip yang terdapat dalam kesusasteraan bandingan iaitu tematik, generik dan genetik. Objektif kedua pula, adalah menganalisis ideologi pengarang yang terdapat dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana sebagai idea untuk mengangkat kedudukan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II dalam Syair Perang Menteng manakala Sultan Maulana dalam Syair Sultan Maulana sebagai sultan yang mempunyai kehebatan dalam menyelesaikan masalah negaranya. Aspek perbandingan kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan genetik untuk memperlihatkan persamaan dan perbezaan watak kedua-dua sultan ini. Objektif ketiga ialah, membandingkan strategi peperangan orang Melayu Palembang dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan orang Melayu Kedah dalam Syair Sultan Maulana.
- PublicationThe Influence Of Interaction On Student Satisfaction Via Flow Experience Among Distance Learners(2023-09)Kassim, Siti Fatimah MohdLifelong learning has been recognized as a global priority for addressing the many challenges of sustainability in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015 - 2025. Correspondingly, in an online setting, learners have fewer possibilities to interact with higher education institutions. Despite several studies on interactions, flow, and student satisfaction, it is relevant to Western countries and traditional students. The study aims to investigate the impact of interactions (learner-content, learner- instructor, and learner-learner) on student satisfaction among distance learners in Malaysia. The research framework in this study is based on the transactional distance theory proposed by Moore (1989). To test the proposed hypotheses, data was collected through the self-administered questionnaire tool, Survey Monkey. The study sample consisted of 270 respondents that conform to the inclusion criteria, and SPSS was used to analyze the hypotheses. This study found a favorable and substantial association between flow experience and student satisfaction. Meanwhile, the hypotheses' results show that learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner- learner interaction each have a positive impact on student satisfaction. Finally, the further three hypotheses tested did not indicate that learner-content interaction, learner-instructor interaction, and learner-learner interaction have a significant impact on flow experience. Several theoretical and practical implications of the study are explored based on the study's findings, methodologies, and results. Suggestions for future research are also offered.
- PublicationThe Effect Of Global Mindset And Export Market Orientation On Malaysian Food Industry Smes Towards International Performance(2023-09)Rahman, Nurul Ulya AbdulA country's economy relies heavily on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, some SMEs were unable to maintain outstanding performance in international markets. According to dynamic-capability theory, a global mindset and export market orientation are crucial factors in achieving desired performance. This research investigates the effects of global mindset and export market orientation on the international performance of food industry SMEs in Malaysia. On the other hand, decision-making logic (causation and effectuation) is a mediating variable in the linkages between global mindset and international performance. On top of that, this research incorporates domestic strategic alliance as a moderating variable between export market orientation and international performance relationship. This quantitative study was conducted on food industry SMEs in the emerging country, Malaysia. The PLS-SEM technique was used to analyse the data. The results showed that two aspects of a global mindset, responsiveness expectations and divisional coordination expectations, positively impacted decision-making logic (causation and effectuation). One aspect of export market orientation, export intelligence responsiveness, has a positive effect on international performance. The results reveal that the mediating role of decision-making logic on the linkages between global mindset and international performance was insignificant.
- PublicationMathematical Modelling Of Steady Bödewadt Flow And Heat Transfer In Nanofluid And Hybrid Nanofluid Over A Permeable And Radially Stretching Disk(2023-01)Mahyuddin, Anis AnisahThis thesis studies the flow and heat transfer characteristics of steady Bödewadt flow in nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid with the presence of suction on the radial stretching permeable disk. Bödewadt flow is a rotating flow that is induced by a rotating source that is placed far away from the bottom disk. In this study, the role of nanofluid in heat transfer enhancement are theoretically investigated. The nanoparticles that considered in this study are copper, silver, and aluminium oxide while the base fluid is water. By using the similarity variables, the governing partial differential equations are reduced to nonlinear ordinary differential equation which are then numerically solved using the Keller’s Box method. Adequate amount of suction was needed for the similarity solution of heat transfer equation to exist in the case of stagnant disk. The presence of suction and stretching disk caused the momentum and thermal boundary layer thickness to reduce. Both nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid helps in increasing the local skin friction coefficient and local Nusselt number better than viscous fluid. However, the heat transfer enhancement occurs only when volume fraction of nanoparticle is sufficiently small due to the presence of suction. The presence of the second nanoparticles in hybrid nanofluid showed that the heat transfer enhancement is better compared to nanofluid. Same as the case of nanofluid, sufficiently amount of suction and stretching disk need to be applied in order to enhance the heat transfer rate.
- PublicationEstetika Puisi Terpilih Karya Penyair Wanita Melayu Abad Ke-20(2022-11)Wan Mohamed, Wan Siti AzahayuKajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka dan mengenal pasti puisi-puisi terpilih penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20 yang diwakili oleh Zurinah Hassan, Siti Zainon Ismail, Zaihasra, Siti Zaleha M. Hashim dan Salmiah Ismail daripada aspek estetika atau keindahan. Kajian ini dijalankan berasaskan ciri-ciri keindahan dalam konsep keindahan Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu oleh Muhammad Haji Salleh. Ciri-ciri keindahan tersebut ialah “Keindahan dalam Mengajar atau Mendidik”, “Keindahan dalam Mengungkapkan Kesedihan dan Kesusahan”, “Keindahan dalam Penceritaan”, “Keindahan dalam Rasa” dan “Keindahan yang Asli”. Bagi ciri “Keindahan dalam Rasa”, Teori Rasa Fenomenologi oleh Sohaimi Abdul Aziz telah disandarkan secara khusus bagi menganalisis dan menilai kehadiran rasa indah khalayak terhadap puisi-puisi yang dihasilkan oleh penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa puisi-puisi terpilih karya lima orang penyair wanita abad ke-20 berjaya mengungkapkan keindahan seperti mana ciri-ciri keindahan dalam konsep keindahan Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu. Keindahan ini juga lahir daripada cara penyair mengadun, mengolah dan mencerna puisi-puisi mereka dengan penggunaan bahasa yang berkesan bagi menyerlahkan keindahan puisi-puisi yang dihasilkan. Manakala, ciri “Keindahan dalam Rasa” yang disandarkan pada Teori Rasa Fenomenologi pula berjaya mengungkapkan pelbagai jenis emosi dan ekspresi rasa khalayak terhadap puisi-puisi terpilih penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20.