Assessment Of The Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices On Qat Chewing Among Medical, Pharmacy And Dentistry Undergraduate Students In Aden University, Yemen
Al-Kaff, Mohammed Saleh Ahmed
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Qat plant or Catha edulis Forsk is a species belonging to the plant family Celastraceae.
The fresh leaves and buds of the qat plant contains cathinone, an amphetamine like
stimulants responsible for most of its pharmacological action. One of the
pharmacological actions is the ability to concentrate, and this has been used as an excuse
for the students to use qat. This habit also can be found among the university students
especially medical, pharmacy and dentistry. However, as other stimulants, this cathinone
also has the ability to cause dependence to the users. This study is aimed to evaluate the
knowledge, attitudes and practices on qat use among health care related undergraduate
students in Aden University, Yemen.
A cross-sectional study was carried out involving Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
students in Aden University. A validated questionnaire was distributed to all students
using simple random sampling method. A total of 646 out of 672 students completed the
questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) version 15.0. Chi-square was used to test the association of the student’s
perception about the qat plant with socio-demographic factors.