Rogowski coil sensor for partial discharge Detection
Puovin Murugaiah
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The term partial discharge refers to the partial breakdown of insulation that develops in
zones of highly concentrated electric fields. So, to prevent the breakdown occurs frequent
observations must be done by utilising precise detection methods. The measurement of
this kind of discharges is of importance because its existence is related to the aging of
insulation in electric equipment. Partial discharge (PD) test is normally used to evaluate
the insulation quality of high-voltage equipment. There are many PD detectors available
in the market, and the detectors employ many techniques in measuring the PD. This paper
presents a simplified and low cost device PD detection system with the use of the
Rogowski coil (RC). The high frequency pulses due to the PD are detected by the RC.
RC is developed for high frequency range from one MHz up to order of hundred MHz’s.
An experimental analysis is performed to evaluate Rogowski coil performance and the
effect of designed circuit on output waveform of RC sensor for PD detection. The
experimental set-up is arranged in high voltage laboratory. The tests are carried out
concerning measurement conditions such as on-line PD measuring systems. Input PD
signal generated by pulse generator is passed through the centre of RC where the output
of it is already connected to the designed circuit. The measurement is made by using
oscilloscope to capture the output waveform. The circuit design is done to improve the
RC output for better detection system as well as to obtain the signal that is replicates the
input PD signal. From the experiment it is investigated that this RC detection method
works linearly and with high sensitivity to the lowest input (5pC).