Persepsi Dan Pandangan Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Di Negeri Pulau Pinang Terhadap Penghayatan Din Al-Slam: Satu Kajian Kes
Mydin, Shaik Abdullah Hassan
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The main objective of this research is to study the constraints and effectiveness of
internalizing Islamic aI-Din among the students in the Religious National
Secondary Schools (SMKA) in the state of Penang. The design of this study is a
combination of quantitative and qualitative methods which covered three phases.
The quantitative section of the first phase involves a quantitative method which is
close ended questionnaires involving 304 respondents and the quantitative section
of the second phase also used quantitative method which consists of open ended
questionnaires which involves 100 respondents. While the qualitative section of
third phase used a qualitative method, i.e. face to face interview with 20
Findings of the quantitative section were analyzed using descriptive data analysis.
This statistical analysis is suitable to meet the first objective of the study, namely
to see the overall level of the internalizing of Islamic aI-Din among the SMKA
students. Data for the second phase were analyzed using Crosstabs's analysis. This
analysis is suitable to meet the second objective, namely to identify the constraints
and effectiveness of internalizing Islamic ai-Din. Both data are descriptive
analyses and were analyzed using SPSS for Window (version 13.0) program. The
qualitative section data were gathered using interviews and were interpreted
according· to the process of content analysi~ in order to meet the third objective,
namely to study the constraints and effectiveness of internalizing of Islamic alDin.
The most significant finding of the quantitative section of the first phase is the
average level of internalization in the practice of good manners (adab) which
consists of 14 dimensions are very high and varied. The interesting discovery in
this analysis is, no dimension achieved an average level and low level of
internalizing. Thus, the findings of the quantitative section of the second phase
clearly shows that the first, second and third constraints and effectiveness of
internalizing Islamic aI-Din with respect to belief (aqidah), worship (ibadah) and
good manners (akhlak) are varied.
Finally, the findings of the qualitative section of the third phase shows that from
the 10 male students and 10 female students who were interviewed in depth, agree
and admitted that there are constraints and effectiveness in the contexts of
internalizing of Islamic aI-Din. The uniqueness of this finding is that the main
constraints and effectiveness in internalizing of the Islamic aI-Din are similar but
the scope of constraints and effectiveness elaborated by the students are different.
Overall findings in-depth clearly indicate that there is no significant difference
between male and female students in relation to the constraints and effectiveness
of internalizing the Islamic ai-Din.