Haemodynamic effects of adiponectin On ppar–γ receptors in diabetic and nondiabetic Wistar Kyoto and Spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Afzal, Sheryar
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
Prevalens hipertensi dan diabetes semakin meningkat dengan kadar yang belum pernah berlaku sebelum ini di kedua-dua negara sedang membangun dan juga di negara maju. Adiponectin, yang merupakan suatu adipokin, adalah hormon protein yang menyederhana tindakannya dengan merangsang pelepasan nitrik oksida (NO) daripada endotelium vascular dan menyebabkan vasodilasi. PPAR-γ merupakan ahli reseptor diaktif proliferator peroksisom, yang merupakan pengawal atur positif bagi ekspresi gen adiponectin.
The prevalence of hypertension and diabetes is mounting with unprecedented degree in both developing and advanced countries. Reduced plasma adiponectin concentrations have been found in hypertension and diabetes. Adiponectin, an adipokine, is a protein hormone which mediates its action by stimulating nitric oxide (NO) release from the vascular endothelium thereby causing vasodilation. PPAR-γ i s a member of Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor, which is positive regulator of adiponectin gene expression.
Receptor , Diabetic