Embedding corporate social responsibility into corporate strategy: a review of a best employer company in Vietnam
Lin Siew, Kim
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To stay competitive and sustainable, the businesses not only need to fu lfill their
economic obligations, but also have to be socially responsible as their existence stems from
societal needs. This thesis aims to understand and analyze the incorporation of corporate
social responsibility (CSR) into corporate strategy in a company in Vietnam that was
recognized as one of the best employers in the country. This th es is shows the extent to which
this company has successfully embedded their CSR agendas into its organizational strategy
and practices, thus become a responsible corporate ci ti zen towards society.
This th es is adopted exp lorato ry qualitative research in an in-depth case stud y. 1n
ana lyzing the transfening and cultivating of soc ia lly responsible behaviors into corporate
strategy, thi s thes is explores the CSR initi ati ves using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as an
analytica l framework. BSC has been modified to include clements that belong to the
sustainability framework in order to fulfill this research purposes. In this case, the stakeholder
perspective replaced the customer perspective because a group of researchers has
successfully brought up stakeholder theory as the central part of CSR, while the triple bottom
line (TBL) has also been integrated in the BSC. Research findings show that the owner has
been placing more emphasis on CSR elements in the corporate strategy to enhance the society
knowledge and development.
KEYWORDS: CSR, BSC, sustainability, corporate strategy.