Environment Management Practices for Hotels in Malaysia: Stakeholder Perspective

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Tourism has been the focus industry in Malaysia in recent decade as it emerged not only contributes in foreign exchange income but also create employment opportunities. Malaysia has an advantage in tourism due to her attractive natural environment. Due to the factors that supporting the growth of the tourism industry, the numbers of hotels are on the rise. On the other hand, with higher demand for hotels, the more the hotel will be built and the larger amount of resource will be consumed. In long term, by damaging this valuable environmental and economic potential, it will destruct the growth of the tourism i:1dustry making it unsustainable. Pressures that demand the business corporation to address the environmental issues are grovving. Companies, which are also belongs to a huge part of the society are therefore required to involve more serious than ever in environment practices in order to be sustainable. This is an exploratory study that seeks to understand about the level of environmental management practices (EMP) for hotel in Malaysia; as \Veil as the benefit which brought in by the implementation of EMP. Stakeholder theory been applied in this study to assess the roles and influences of stakeholders with respect to environmental management practices (EMP) for hotel in Malaysia. Subsequently hotelsĀ· perfom1ance which results by E.\-IP adoption is also been assessed. This is a cross section study with survey done among the hotelsĀ· top management. The tindings from this study suggest that the le\ el of EMP adoption am on~ the hotels in \lalaysia is moderately lov,. Internal and external stakd1older int1uences _~n F\1r ~H.i:._'Pti,m t~)r lwtel are not xii strong. From the survey however, adoption of EMP is indeed able to contribute to a significant gain in terms of both financial and non-financial benefit. This study implied that among the hotel industry \vhich is associates with servicing, environmental management is still at infancy stage if compared with manufacturing industry. As the result of different in nature in terms of resource consumption and environmental impact for hotel industry. the driving pressures from stakeholders arise at different perspective with different urgency and intensity.
Environment Management Practices for Hotels in Malaysia