Pengaruh Golongan Elit Pemerintah Dalam Pemaparan BeritaBerita Etnik. Ana/isis Kandungan Terhadap Pelaporan Berita Akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian Sejurus Sebelum dan Selepas Pilihanraya Umum Ke-1 0 Malaysia.
Mohamad, Mohd Asri
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Research on media reporting about racial issues is not new. However, research on
media reporting about racial issues based on critical perspectives were less favoured by
the communication and media researchers in this country.
This research analyses the news story and editorials that report on racial issues in
two Malay ethnic newspapers, before and after the 1Oth Malaysian General Election
which commence on the 29th November 1999. It should be noted that this study is not
about election. The election is used as a time frame for the purpose of choosing a
duration for the study.
This research was based on the belief that news report ere not value free but
shaped and influenced by ideologies of various group in the society. In this research,
hegemony theory were used to guide researcher in understanding media behaviour in
reporting certain issues.
The study found that both Utusan Malaysia including Mingguan Malaysia, and
Berita Harian including Berita Minggu rely on the ruling elites, especially the Malay elite
groups in reporting racial issues. About 99 percent of the news were racial structured in
those four newspapers and the government was the source of the main news. The ruling
elites have been the primary definers of the social and political events, especially on
racial issues. The editorials of the two newspapers were bias towards the ruling elites.
Communication , Press and politics