Persepsi kaum Tionghoa dan peribumi terhadap interaksi komunikasi antara. budaya di Sumatera Utara: satu kajian kes di bandar Medan
Lubis, Lusiana Andriani
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The researcher hoped to examine factors that influence the perceptions of the
Chinese and the natives towards intercultural communication in Indonesia, especially
in Medan, a city in Northern Sumatera. The objective of this study was to identify
whether or not the world views such as religion/beliefs, values and behaviour, social
organization such as family, education and government policies, as well as language,
do influence the perceptions of the Chinese and the natives in intercultural
communication.This case study used the descriptive qualitative method employing
phenomenology and postpositivisme to describing and summarising various
situations, settings or social realities that exist within the Chinese or the native
societies in Medan. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling, in order to
seek informants" narative. Besides, observations and archival research was also
employed. The data analysis was written in the form of inductive narrative, that is,
case by case based on the categories formulated. The findings of this study are as
follows; 1 )Religion/beliefs are the rights of the people and cannot be imposed on
them. However within a certain period, cultural perceptions could be influenced and
shaped by continuous intercultural communication that will enhance understanding
and improve religious tolerance in Medan. 2) Cultural values are inclined to change
the cultural perceptions through continuous intercultural communication through the
sharing of cultural experiences. 3) When intercultural communication occurs
continuously, their cultural perc~ptions are likely to be changed and this
communication is inclined to change an individual's behaviour from the negative to
the positive in making opinions of others. 4)Through continuous intercultural
communication within family members, the cultural perceptions of the Chinese and
the natives in Medan are expected to change from the adverse normal relationship
into a harmonious relationship. S)School have a role to change the cultural
perception in enhancing the effectiveness of intercultural communication between
the Chinese and the natives in Medan in order to produce a multicultural society.
6)The variety of languages has made Medan a unique city and -language is not
something to be raised as a question as long as those speakers who are
communicating feel comfortable and understand the messages conveyed. ?)Policies
were continuously made by the Indonesian Government, so that cultural perceptions
of the Chinese and the natives in Medan can be changed and consequently will result
in the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
Natives Towards , Communication