Adverba Dalam Ayat Transitif Bahasa Melayu: Satu Analisis Prinsip Dan Parameter
Sk. Mohd Sawpi, Lawi
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The objective of this thesis is to examine the behaviour of adverbials lagi, kembali, semula,
semalam and dengan bersungguh-sungguh in various positions in Malay transitive sentence •
Mainly, the study tries to put forth a theoretical explanation towards the presence of these
adverbials especially adverbials /agi, kembali and semu/a which exist in between transitive
verbs and their complements.
The behaviour of the adverbials analysed was described using the Transformational
Generative Theory, The Principles and Parameters (version 1986) and several other recent
publications in this theoretical framework. In accordance with the research methodology which
is in line with the Generative Theory, the researcher used corpora taken from novels written
by Malay native speakers and the Utusan Online newspaper which were generated via the
Word Smith program. Fieldwork involving the distribution of questionnaires inquiring into the
native speaker's judgement as to the acceptability of sentences collected was also conducted.
The findings of the study revealed that the adverbials lagi, semula and kembali can be present
between transitive verbs and their complements and at the end of a sentence. With regard to
the behaviour of these groups of adverbials, the researcher assumed that the adverbials
concerned were of the pseudo type which existed in complex verbs, while adverbials like
dengan bersungguh-sungguh and sema/am were evidently more authentic as it can occur In
various positions. Thus, the adverb dengan bersungguh-sungguh was analysed as an
adjunct In a sentence but the adverbials lagi, semula and kembali, which carry the meaning
'repetition', were analysed as particles which needed to be combined (or can also be
separated) with verbs in a certain context.
Social sciences