Lambonella stegomyiae (ciliopora : tetrahymenidae) : biologi dan potensinya sebagai agen kawalan biologi nyamuk aedes.

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Ahmad Arshad, Abd. Haris Hilmi
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.The life cycle of LamborneJla stegomyiae involves the adlfl t, larval and pupal stages of a mosquito host. 'l.' pcpr~si te has five developemental stages i.e. parasitic, I t~9phont, theront, cuticular cyst and desiccation resistant •. There : are 7 parasitic stages i.e>. penetration, postpE;! petration1, pre-amoeboid, amoeboid, post-amoeboid, premature trophont and mature trophont stage. The trophont is the freE~ li and the infective stage while the theront is f the host seeking stage. L. stegomyiae takes 6-9 days to complete its life cycle. The post-amoeboid stage is almost round, 55.75±11.27 ~m in length and 55.25±9.52 ~m in width. The pre-mature trcpphont stage and the mature trophont stage are oval. The pre-mature trophont stage is 70. 75±7. 65 ~m in leng·th and 48~75±7.93 ~m in witdh, while the mature tropho~t stage is 63.87±6.20 in length and 41.00±6.20 in width. Trophonts collected from the longer than the mature trophonts l. e. 82. 50±11. 06 ~m in length and 34. 00±5. 76 ~m in width. The .theront is round and 39.62±3.27 ~m in diameter. Cuticular cysts are attached on to the larva's cuticle and measure 3:L~>O:l2.2~> ~m ln diameter and 21\.7.0J.2.!>~> J.Lill in hetght. L. stegomyiae is dispersed through active and pasive •, means. Acti've dispersal is done by adult female, while I , pasi ve di'spersal is done by both male and female adult mos;qui toes. , The pathogenicity studies in laboratory showed that, the percentage of infection in Ae. .. albopictus and Ae. aegypti were 99. 20±1. 79 %- and 98. 40±2. 60 % respectively, while percentage mortality were 99. 52±1. 06 % and 90. 83±11. 70 % respectively. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in percentage of infection and mortality between the species ·(p < 0. 05). Cul,ture using four media showed that L. stegomyiae was more suitable (higher infection) in water previously containing mosquitoes, Bambusa sp. infusion and Acacia sp. infusion compared to deionized water (p < 0.05).
Ciliopora : tetrahymenidae , Nyamuk aedes.