Development And Assessment Of An Audio Visual Educational Package For Educating Senior Pharmacy Students On Issues Related To Generic Medicines

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Lee, Shi Wei
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
Pharmacists can play an important role in increasing the use of generic medicines especially to overcome the escalating health care cost and to reduce the financial burden of low-income consumers. Educating the future pharmacist about issues surrounding generic medicines is important as it empowers them with generic medicines' knowledge. This thesis is focused on developing a novel new-media educational package aimed at improving the knowledge and perception of Malaysian pharmacy students with regards to generic medicines. The study was structured into four main phases. In the first section, a survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, perceptions and attitude towards generic medicines among final year pharmacy students (N=364), sampled from five public universities throughout Malaysia. Findings from the survey showed that knowledge on the bioequivalence and bioavailability of generic medicines among the students was poor. In addition, respondents expressed a lack of confidence in generic substitution. Only 3.0% (n=11) of the respondents correctly identified the correct regulatory limits for the bioequivalence ratio of areas under the curve of generic versus innovator drugs. Majority of the respondents (n=295, 81.0%) indicated the need for more information on bioequivalence testing of generic medicines and expressed preference for an audio/visual tool as learning aid.
Malaysian pharmacy students , regards to generic medicines