Evaluation of acupuncture therapy for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Shaun Wen Huey, Lee
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Chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a frustrating,
confusing and prevalent syndrome. It accounts for nearly 2 million visits to the
physicians annually in US, and in Malaysia, is known to affect the lives of
approximately 8.7% of the male population. As recent as 1995, only did this
syndrome gain the attention of healthcare providers worldwide.
While the causes of chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome
remain unknown, many therapies have been used with limited success, the
most common being antibiotics, alpha-blockers and anti-inflammatories. This
prompted many to search for more effective therapies and recent studies
suggest that acupuncture may be helpful especially in chronic cases.
Prior to conducting the study, the validity of 2 questionnaires used to
evaluate the efficacy of treatment outcomes were examined in the local
population. The Brief Pain Inventory and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale
were demonstrated to have good reliability and validity as an outcome measure.
In the next part, the diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis-like symptoms by
primary care physicians were examined. It was found that many patients with
prostatitis like symptoms were receiving less than optimal treatment for their
condition, further strengthening the need for this study. To achieve a better understanding of this condition and the health status
impact on men, the baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of men
with chronic prostatitis were evaluated. It was concluded that men experienced
disability in the various domains of pain, urinary, sexual function and mental
health. The demographics of these participants were similar to those in the
United States.
Finally, a subset of participants were invited to participate into a
randomised, double-blind, sham controlled study involving acupuncture or its
corresponding placebo for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. These
participants were treated twice weekly for a total of 10 weeks with acupuncture
or sham. Thirty-two (73%) of 44 participants responded in the acupuncture
group compared to 21 (47%) of 45 participants who responded in the sham
group (p=0·01).
To determine the applicability of these results in the general population,
participants also rated the tolerability and acceptability of acupuncture
treatment. Acupuncture was found to be tolerable by majority of participants.
Blood samples were also taken to elucidate a scientific explanation for the
response of participants. The levels of neurotransmitter -endorphin, leucineenkephalin
and cortisol were mostly similar between groups but changes in the
white cell levels were observed suggesting the role of immune function in the
pathogenesis of this disease.
Pharmaceutical science , Acupunture therapy