The Effectiveness Of Teaching Practicum Based On The Development Of Teacher Professional Identity Among Student Teachers In Malaysia Institute Of Teacher Education
Salleh, Mahaya
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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of teaching practicum based on Teacher Professional Identity (TPI) development among student teachers across time and study the effect of Teaching Context on such development. The current study also contributes to the conceptualization, operationalization and measurement of Teacher Professional Identity and Teaching Context through obtaining information from literature review, and utilizing Social Identity Theory, and the Marcia Identity Status Theory. This longitudinal study employed a quantitative research approach using an Interrupted Time Series design. The sample of the study involved 384 student teachers from three Institutes of Teacher Education situated in the Northern Region of Malaysia, enrolled in a Bachelor of Education programme. These student teachers had to carry out their teaching practicum in three different phases, Phase 1 (one month), Phase 2 (2 months) and Phase 3 (3 months). Data were collected using two self-developed and validated instruments. Instrument Series 1 was administered in three time series before each phase of teaching practicum while Instrument Series 2 was administered in three times after each phase of teaching practicum. Teacher Professional Identity was tested by both instruments, whereas Teaching Context was only assessed in the Instrument Series 2. Data were analyzed using two methods of analysis namely descriptive analysis and Two Level Hierarchical Linear Modeling technique (HLM2). The findings showed positive and
significant TPI development among student teachers across time which has a direct relationship with the duration of the teaching practicum. Longer duration of teaching practicum resulted in stable development of Teacher Professional Identity among student teachers. HLM2 analysis results indicated that most of the explained variance was situated at Level-1 (time level) compared to Level-2 (individual level) in the Null Model. Contribution of variances in the Final Model of Practicum Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and Overall Model were 46 percent, 33 percent, 38 percent and 28 percent respectively. The predictor variables such as Cooperating Teacher, Supervisor, and School Environment showed significant direct and cross-level interaction effects in all the four HLM2 models tested. The empirical findings from the tests performed in this study demonstrate the effectiveness of teaching practicum based on the development of Teacher Professional Identity which is influenced by Cooperating Teachers, Supervisors, and School Environment.
The effectiveness of teaching practicum based on Teacher Professional Identity (TPI) , and study the effect of Teaching Context on such development