Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan - Tesis


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  • Publication
    Tile Influence Of Emotional Intelligence On Morality Judgment Among Primry Sciiool Students In Tehran
    Parsa, Nasrin Arian
    A consideration of emotion has been in the context of teaching and education. This study focuses on the influence of Emotional intelligence on mental health and moral judgment among primary school students in Tehran. It is highly likely that emotionally intelligent students could provide help in how to manage emotions to control behavior individuals. Therefore, this research assessment emotional intelligence according to Baran (1997) and Salovey (1990) theories and relevance to Morality judgment by Kohlberg (1976) theory who have to deal with students coming to class with different feelings about learning, This study attempted to assess emotional intelligence and its relationship to morality judgment (one important belief that appears to have important effects on student outcomes) among Iranian students. Referring to research methodology if students develop their emotional intelligence, this will increase their levels of morality judgment. In addition, emotional intelligence and morality judgment were also examined with respect to gender. age.
  • Publication
    Educational Environment And Readiness For Self-Directed Learning At Two Nursing Institutions In Malaysia
    Chit, Som Phong
    Learning environment is an important factor for producing quality graduates and play an important role in the effectiveness of teaching and learning in nursing training institutions. In addition, self-directed learning is also an important factor that lead to the formation of life long learning culture as medical knowledge become more advance. The objective of this study is to compare two types of nursing institutions under Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Health Malaysia; one employing student centered learning approach, the other does not (yet) employing the approach, in terms of their educational environment and students’ self-directed learning readiness.
  • Publication
    Educational media in secondary schools : an examination of existing facilities and the relationships between selected teachervariables and media utilization
    Fatimah Abu Bakar
    This study seeks to empirically establish the status of media setting in schools, the rcIat ionships between media utilisation and certain teacher variables known to influence media utilisation and the barriers to media use perceived by teachers. Setting for media use consisted of media equipment and materials collections, presence of media related facilities and nature of media related services provided. Teacher variables chosen were teachers' professional characteristics.
  • Publication
    The Effectiveness Of Stem Problem-based Learning Module On Self-efficacy, Interest And Achievement In Biology Among Senior Secondary School Students In Nigeria
    Tudu, Usman Gado Birnin
    This study involves two phases, namely, (i) developing a STEM problem-based learning module (STEM-PBLM) using the ADDIE and 3C3R models for Form 4 secondary school students learning diffusion and osmosis concepts. The second phase (ii) tests the effectiveness and suitability of the module (STEM-PBLM) in increasing the self-efficacy, interest, and achievement of students. The study used a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design. The sample of the study consisted of 80 students (48 boys and 32 girls) from two public schools in Kebbi, Nigeria. Both the experimental and control groups were composed of 40 students. The research data consists of a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. Six instruments were used in data collection: (i) the Self-efficacy in Learning Biology Questionnaire (SLBQ); (ii) the Interest in Learning Biology Questionnaire (ILBQ); (iii) the Diffusion and Osmosis Achievement Test (DOAT); (iv) the Teacher Survey Questionnaire (TSQ); (v) the Student Interview Protocol (SIP); and (vi) the Teacher Interview Protocol (TIP). Quantitative data was obtained from the pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test. On the other hand, qualitative data was obtained from document analysis of teachers' schemes of work and lesson plans, analysis of biology textbooks, and interviews with students and teachers.
  • Publication
    Factors Influencing Psychological Well-being Among Postgraduate Students In Malaysian Research Universities
    Ooi, Hui Xian
    In postgraduate education, students were exposed to a wider range of challenging scenarios that forced them outside of their comfort zones and affected their psychological well-being. The study aimed to investigate the predictors of postgraduate students’ psychological well-being (PWB) in Malaysian research universities (MRU). In addition, the second aim of this study was to examine whether gender has moderating effects on the relationship between personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) and postgraduate students’ PWB. In the present study, the population was postgraduate students in MRU. The total sample size was 297 respondents. This study used the quantitative method to answer the research questions. The sample was selected using purposive sampling. An online questionnaire link (Google Form) was distributed via postgraduate student groups. External factors (supervision, social support, and university support) and internal factors (academic writing skills, self-esteem, self-regulated learning, and personality traits-neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) functioned as the predictors, and PWB as the dependent variables. The items questionnaire was adapted based on the instrument namely Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2007, The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, Perceptions of Postgraduate Students’ Writing Skills, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, The Big Five personality structure, and Ryff’s PWB Scales. The findings showed that external factors such as social support had the strongest significant impact on postgraduate students’ PWB, followed by university support. For internal factors, self-esteem had the strongest effect on postgraduate students’ PWB, followed by self-regulated learning, conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to experience. However, gender did not have significant moderating effects on the relationship between personality traits and postgraduate students’ PWB. The findings of the research add implication and provide useful knowledge in terms of the environment, models, theoretical frameworks, and empirical findings.