pemikiran ulama berketurunan banjar di kedar: satu kajian tentang Sheikh Muhammad Taib, Tuan Hussein Muhammad Nasir dan Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi Zamzam
Abdullah, Suhanim
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The ulama since ancient times managed to mould the thoughts of the society through
teachings and writings. They constantly strive to seek knowledge from the
acknowledged scholars and disseminated the knowledge to the society. The thesis
studied the thoughts of Banjarese ulama in Kedah by focusing on Sheikh Muhammad
Taib, Tuan Hussein and Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi Zamzam. Sheikh Muhammad Taib was a
descendant of Sheikh Muhammad Arshad al-Banjari, a prominent ulama in Banjar.
Tuan Hussein was a grandson of Sheikh Muhammad Taib. Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi
Zamzam is a Banjarese. He is the son in-Jaw of Ustaz Niamat Yusoff, a prominent
ulama in Kedah. The three Banjarese ulama were well-known teachers and writers.
Sheikh Muhammad Arshad established a pondok institution in Titi Gajah, Kedah.
Tuan Hussein established five pondok institutions in Kedah and one in Seberang Perai.
Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi is a teacher in Maahad Tarbiah Islamiah Derang. He also
established three pondok institutions in Kalimantan. The writings of the three
Banjarese ulama that had been studied were based on aqidah, fiqh and sufism. The
characteristics of the thoughts that had been studied consist of traditionalism,
modernism dan reformism. The study used 'continuity and change' approach to
analyse the thoughts of the three Banjarese ulama. Continuity means to strengthen the
historically evolved traditions and thoughts. Changes in the thoughts were inspired by
the people who were influenced by a particular idea in a certain period of time. Sheikh
Muhammad Taib's thought clearly belonged to the traditionalism based on his writing
on aqidah and fiqh. Tuan Hussein showed the characteristics of traditionalism thought
through his writings on aqidah. Tuan Hussein also showed the characteristics of
traditionalism and reformism thoughts through his writings on fiqh. Besides that,
through his writings ori sufism, Tuan Hussein showed the characteristics of
traditionalism, reformism dan sunni sufism. There was also a conflict between Tuan
Hussein and Sheikh al-Islam of Kedah, Haji Wan Sulaiman pertaining to the issues of
fiqh and sufism due to the different characteristics of thought. Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi
Zamzam on the other hand showed the characteristics of modernism thought through
his writings on aqidah. However, it is clear that Ustaz Ahmad Fahmi Zamzam showed
the characteristics of traditionalism thought through his writings on sufism.
Berketurunan Banjar , Sheikh Muhammad Taib