Analisis pemikiran Syeikh Mu×Ammad Amôn Al-Kurdô terhadap tasawuf dalam kitób Tanwôr Al-Qulõb Fô Mu’ómalah ‘Allóm Al-Ghuyõb
Aswad Ahmad, Mohd Miqdad
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It is important to present the thought of Syeikh MuÍammad AmÊn al-KurdÊ, a Tasawwuf cleric to the Muslim world in order to explain the issues that arise in the daily life of the Islamic community. One of the key issues in the Muslim community is the issue of Tasawwuf. This issue is seen through increasingly critical eyes with the resurfacing of past issues, due to misinterpretations of the concept of zikr, the concept of ‘khalwat’, the concept of manners between teachers and students, the concept of teacher in Tasawwuf and the concept of lust that requires analysis and explanation from Tasawwuf scholars. Syeikh MuÍammad AmÊn al-KurdÊ, is one of the more prominent Tasawwuf scholars seen helping Muslims to answer the issues and to establish the principle of Tasawwuf to the public. This study aims to look at his contributions to the development of Tasawwuf thought. The objectives of this study are to introduce the biography of Syeikh MuÍammad AmÊn al-KurdÊ, to examine the methodology in Kitab TanwÊr al-QulËb fÊ Mu‘Émalah ‘AllÉm al-GhuyËb and to analyse the themes of Tasawwuf in his book. The study found that his writing methodology is similar to the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. The methodology presented in his book is based on the argument of ‘naqli’ and ‘aqli’ that make his views strong. The present study used library research to analyse the themes of Tasawwuf in the book. The findings of the analysis show that Syeikh MuÍammad AmÊn al-KurdÊ is a Tasawwuf scholar who is very cautious in discussing the themes of Tasawwuf by giving explanations that are in line with the pillars of Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jamaah, and can be considered appropriate to be presented to Islamic societies, including in Malaysia.
Kitób Tanwôr Al-Qulõb Fô Mu’ómalah ‘Allóm Al-Ghuyõb , Tasawuf