Blur detection technique for thumbnail image generation
Koik Boon Tatt
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Thumbnail images are widely used in electronic devices to help the user to scan through
original high resolution images. Hence, it is essential to represent the thumbnail image correspondingly
to the original image. A blur image should not appear to be a clear image in thumbnail
form, where this situation might mislead the perceptual analysis of the user. The main
purpose of this research work is to develop a down-sampling algorithm to create a thumbnail
image which includes blur information. The proposed method has three stages, which are preliminary
processes, blur detection and lastly image down-sampling. For preliminary processes,
Sobel first order derivatives, gradient magnitude and gradient orientation are determined. In
blur detection stage, local maximum, local minimum and gradient orientation are utilized to
calculate the edge width. The thumbnail image with blur information is generated using the
average edge width as a weight to integrate blur information. The proposed method has been
benchmarked by using five other thumbnail generation methods. The evaluations are done
through a survey of 51 volunteers, and also based on visual inspection. The results suggest
that the proposed method has high potential to be applied as one of the thumbnail generation
options for photo viewing.