Professional commitment and the motivation to learn as predictors of professional learning activities
Abdul Majeed, Abu Bakar
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The suitability of using professional commitment and the motivation to learn as
predictors of professional learning activities (PLA) was investigated. A mail survey
was employed with a 42% response rate. Professional commitment (r=O:I4) and the
motivation to learn (r-"-0.267) were both correlated to PLA (p<O.OOOI). When . .
individually analysed, the three variables were found to be influenced by
demographic factors. Demographic variables whiqJi affected professional
commitment were gender, age and location of practice. Significant differences in
motivation to learn were observed in relation to practice setting, employment status
and income level. Pharmacists' qualification, practice setting and level of income
significantly influenced the professional learning activities. Regression analysis of
PLA on professional commitment and motivation to learn indicated that the latter was
the more powerful indicator of PLA (B=0.250; p<O.OOOI ). Professional commitment
was a weak predictor of PLA (B=0.068; p=0.08). When demographic variables were
added separately to the regression, gender proved to be a strong moderating factor,
significantly atTecting professional commitment (B=0.514~ p<0.05). It is concluded
that professional· commitment and motivation to Jearn are plausible predictors of
PLA. Their effects are, however, influenced by demographic characterist
Motivation , Learning activities