Kearifan Tempatan Profesional Guru Dalam Menerapkan Kemahiran Insaniah Di Dalam Bilik Darjah

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Arbaa, Rohani
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This study aims to discover teachers’ professional local knowledge in infusing soft skills among students during the teaching and learning activities (t&l) in the classroom. Teachers’ professional local knowledge integrates teachers’ practical knowledge in implementing t&l activities with the knowledge of the classroom context, and is refined through continuous and deliberate reflection. This study employs a multiple case studies method that involves four teachers in the district of Kulim Bandar Baharu, Kedah. Research participants were those who conduct t&l activities that satisfy the student-centered teaching characteristics. As many as five observations on t&l activity have been carried out for each research participant, followed by semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Research findings showed that the concept of soft skills actually contained in the teachers’ tacit knowledge. Although teachers do not really understand the term of soft skills, through the practice of student-centered approach they have actually instilled soft skills among the students. The effective method to foster soft skills in the classroom is through cooperative learning and creating democratic classrooms that emphasize common opportunities, freedom of speech, and sharing of power between teachers and students. Supportive motivational discourse and the selection of interesting and authentic teaching materials can also increase students’ motivation to demonstrate their soft skills. From the research findings, a framework for the application of soft skills in the classroom based on teachers’ professional local knowledge is introduced.
Education , Active learning