Association Of The Storage Age Of Trasfused RBC With Adverse Outcomes In Post Cabg Patients At Hospital Serdang
Omar, Norkhazarina
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Background: Extended storage time lead to storage lesion changes in red blood cells (RBCs) that
can possibly cause harmful effects to recipients. Currently, there was no established guideline
available to suggest transfusion of fresher RBCs had any advantages over older RBCs in clinical
outcomes among cardiac surgical patients. In this study, adverse outcomes in post coronary artery
bypass grafting (CABG) patients who received different storage age of RBCs were analysed
Methods: This was an observational retrospective study done in Hospital Selayang. Data from
patients who underwent CABG within one year were collected. Subjects were allocated into three
groups according to the storage age of RBCs that they received; ≤ 14 days, >14 days and mixed.
The effect of RBCs storage age on various post-operative outcomes were analysed using
multivariable analysis with significant p<0.05. Comparison total unit of RBCs transfused between
the three storage ages of RBCs was also studied using One-way ANOVA test.
Results: A total of 253 patients who received 954 RBCs units were analysed. Subjects were; n =
62 in group of RBCs ≤ 14 days, n = 99 in group of RBCs >14 days and n = 92 in mixed group.
There were no association of any of the groups of RBCs storage ages with post CABG adverse
outcomes. Patients transfused with greater unit of RBCs more likely to receive mixed variance
storage age of RBCs.
Conclusion: The duration of RBCs storage was not associated with significant differences in
adverse outcomes among post CABG patients.
Blood Transfusion