Antecedents And Consequences Of Work Engage.Ment: A Study Among Engineers In The Electrical And Electronics Sector In Penang
Mat Saad, Abu Bakri
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This research studied the antecedents and consequences of work engagement among
engineers in electrical and electronics manufacturing firms in Penang. Tne antecedents for
work engagement were job demand and job resources. Job demand variables were
luantitative demand, emotional demand and cognitive demand. Whereas job resources
'ariables were job autonomy, perceived supervisory support and perceived organization
support, distributive justice and procedural justice. The consequences of work engagement
consist of work related outcomes, career satisfaction, turnover intention, organization
commitment and task pertormance. A total of 178 sets of questionnaires were collected from
the respondents who were engineers working in 20 electrical and electronics manufacturing
inns in Penang. Data was subsequently analyzed show that quantitative demand has a
)()Sitive relationship with absorption. Cognitive demand and emotional demand had no
relationship with all dimensions of work engagement. Both perceived supervisory support
(PSS) and distributive justice (DJ) were found to be positively related to vigor. Similarly,
perceived organizational support (POS) was found to have a positive relationship with
ledication whereas procedural justice (PJ) has a positive relationship with absorption. On the
consequences of work engagement, dedication was found to be positively related to career
satisfaction, organization commitment and task performance and negatively related to
turnover intention. Vigor was found to be positively related to both organization
commitment and task performance. Finally, absorption was found to be positively related to
turnover intention, organization commitment and task performance.
The antecedents and consequences of work engagement among engineers in electrical , and electronics manufacturing firms in Penang.