Proses transformasi pelajar multimedia interaktif sebagai agen perubahan melalui penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
Poh Choo, Yeoh
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The purpose of this study is to describe the transformation process of
Interactive Multimedia students· of Special Degree Programme for Non-
Graduate Teachers (PKPG) to become graduate teachers in Interactive
Multimedia in the schools. This transformation was observed for a period of
eight months covering three phases. Phase One focused on the reflection of
thirty nine students of PKPG Interactive Multimedia regarding their knowledge
and skills towards the courses taken during their studies in USM. Phase Two
observed the process of formative evaluation of multimedia materials carried
out by the thirty nine students and the virtual discussion among the students
through the e-group during their six weeks of practicum. Phase Three observed
the five innovative graduate teachers in Interactive Multimedia in becoming
change agents through the use of ICT in schools. The qualitative method of
case study (Yin, 2003) and purposeful sampling (Patton, 1990) were used. Data
was collected using questionnaires, e-group, interviews and students; practicum
reports. Both the quantitative and qualitative (Dey, 1993) data were used in the
study. The findings of the study show that the students' knowledge on theory
and practice in the field of instructional technology as suggested by Seels and
Richey (1994) is adequate for the process of developing, refining and utilisation
of the multimedia material for computer assisted teaching and learning. The egroup
discussions were able to generate communication and collaborative
learning among the students and mentor lecturer during the practicum from the
perspective of Vygotsky (1978). After the practicum, the understanding of
Interactive Multimedia PKPG students in formative evaluation and computer
skills was enhanced. They were able to conduct teaching and learning using
the computer and acquired intrinsic motivation in using computer although they
also faced challenges. In school, the Interactive Multimedia graduate teachers
who have unique personality characteristics such as able to communicate
effectively, creative, initiative and hardworking were able to carry out the seven
roles of change agent according to Rogers (1995). They also carried the roles
of change agent as catalysts, solution givers, process helpers and resource
linkers and also process skills which need to be acquired by the change agents
(Havelock & Zlotolow, 1995). They were actively involved in introducing
innovation in the school activities and projects which were able to create
changes through using ICT among the teachers and students in the school. To
be a change agent, an Interactive Multimedia teacher needs the support and
trust from the members of the school to integrate ICT in the school activities and
Transformasi pelajar multimedia , Interaktif sebagai agen , Penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi