Ban on plastic bags usage: is it a right move? an empirical study on consumer perception and practice
Gooi, Bee Sung
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The usage of plastic bag has causes both convenience and inconvenience in our daily lives. It
causes environmental hazards as most plastic bags are not bio-degradable. Hygiene and
wastage issue are also being alarmed as plastic bag can be seen littered all across the town.
Usage of plastic bag for hot edible items not only causes such inconveniences but it may also
cause health hazards of the consumer. Plastic bag is commonly used to pack hot edible items
in hawker stall, food court and coffee shop in Penang. The danger arises when wrong type of
plastic is being used as chemical migration between plastic and food can be maximized by
temperature and content as there is direct contact between the hot edible items and the plastic
itself. According to green marketing concept, stakeholders such as the consumer play a
pivotal role in the environmental and health consciousness. Business owner will have to align
with consumer’s opinion on green issue so that their business will not be affected. Therefore,
this study is being conducted in order to understand the consumer perception and practice in
Penang based on this issue. Factors influencing the perception and practice will also be
identified so that recommendation can be made to raise public awareness and minimize the
usage of plastic bag ultimately.
Keywords: plastic bags, perception, practice, waste management, health hazards,
environmental hazards, green marketing, stakeholder theory
Business Administration , Plastic Bags Usage