Tasamuh Dalam Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam: Satu Kajian Terhadap Persepsi Pelajar-Pelajar Bukan Islam Di Institusi-Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (Ipta) Di Malaysia

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Hussin, Zul-Kifli
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
This research discusses the values of tasamuh and the perception of non-Muslim students in Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) on Islamic criminal law. This study is significant because Islamic criminal law is often seen from the aspect of punishment but its tasamuh aspects are seldom highlighted. This has more or less resulted in a negative perception among the non-Muslims of Islamic criminal law. Thus this research contains three main objectives: First to explain the tasamuh concept in general, second, to proof the existence of tasamuh values in Islamic criminal law, and third to analyse the perception of non-Muslim students of these tasamuh values in the Islamic criminal law. In order to achieve these three objectives, the research used two methods of data collection that is primary data and secondary data. The secondary data was obtained from library research on punishments on the crimes of riddat (apostasy), syurb al-khamr (drinking), zina (adultery), qadhf (false accusations), sariqat (theft), hirabat (robbery) dan al-baghy (rebellion). The primary data was obtained through inteviewing experts and questionnaires to respondents. The purposive sampling technique was used in selecting respondents. The data collected was then analysed descriptively. The findings of the study show that non-Muslim students’ perception of the tasamuh value in Islamic criminal laws is positive.
Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam , Persepsi Pelajar-Pelajar Bukan Islam