The Biology And Ecology Of Schistosoma Spindale In Relation To The Epidemiology Of Cercarial Dermatitis In Peninsular Malaysia

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Muthusamy, Krishnasamy
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The objective of this study was to study various factors that contributed to the epidemiology of cercarial dermatitis caused by Schistosoma spindale in peninsular Malaysia, with particular focus on an endemic area in Labu, Negri Sembi Ian. S. spindale was incriminated as the causative agent in the outbreak of cercarial dermatitis at the 8th Km Labu Road, Negri Sembi Ian. Out of 9 species of snails examined, only I. exustus was positive for S. spindale with a 16.69% infection rate. A social profile survey of the affected residents of this area showed that the paddy farmers discontinued rice planting for two seasons because of the dermatitis. Of the 30 adults surveyed, 21 people showed signs of dermatitis. A majority of the adults surveyed (77%) were paddy farmers, aged between 15-64 years old. A study of 6472 snails collected throughout peninsular Malaysia revealed that out of the 11 species of snails collected, cercariae of S. spindale were found only in Indoplanorbis exustus. In this study, Johore, Trengganu and Kedah were identified as new localities for the presence of S. spindale in I. exustus.
Schistosoma Spindale , Cercarial Dermatitis