Perancangan dan pengurusan kewangan di Sekolah-Sekolah Kebangsaan di.daerah Kerian, Perak : satu kajian kes

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Yahaya, Abdullah Sani Bin
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This thesis attempts to identify the problems faced by the headmasters in planning and managing the national primary schools allocation in the District of Kerian, Perak. The research design used, is the qualitative methodology with descriptive approach which involved techniques such as questionaires, observations, interviews and documentation study. The analysis was based on a triangular study approach. This study shows, firstly school financial planning and management needs the experience and capable skill of the person. Secondly; the suwa income is not equivalent among of the schools. Thirdly; tbe grant in-aid have being existence certain patterns among the schools. Fourthly; its is about 65% of the headmasters does not understand the Rl).les and Rgulation of the financi~l. Fifthly; 2/3 of the headmasters having problems to manage the financi~l of the school and, . sixthly; ther~ is 85% of the school always having their problems of an inconjuntion expenditures. This study suggests_ that the appointment of the national primary school headmasters should be -based on the following criteria; (a) having completed in The Instutute of Headmaster and passed the one year basic headmasters training course; (b) applicants should have the relevant expetiance and interest in the .field; (c) having gone through the productivity evaluation programmes model suggested by this study; (d) having efficient management quality; and (e) evaluation by local community.
Pengurusan kewangan di sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan