Examining The Relationship Of Value Proposition, Attitude Towards Advertising, Purchase Intention And Religiosity Amongst Muslim Postgraduates In Malaysia

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In Malaysia, the Halal logo has a significant religious cue that might peripherally generate a favourable attitude towards advertisement among Muslims, especially advertisements on food and beverages. An advertisement could become controversial just because of the missing Halal logo which thrives under the Syariah law. This study intends to examine the relationship of value proposition (utilitarian, value-expressive, ego-defensive, knowledge), attitude towards advertising and purchase intention toward Old Town White Coffee amongst Muslim Postgraduates students. Moderating effect of religiosity on the relationship between value proposition and attitude towards advertisement is also examined. This study applied the Functional Theory of Attitudes to support this framework. Data were collected through self-administered surveys and a total of 242 usable responses were accepted for the purpose of this study. The results of this study showed that two functions of value proposition: value expressive and utilitarian significantly influenced consumer attitude towards the advertisement of Old Town White Coffee, whereas attitude towards advertising has a significant impact on purchase intention. Religiosity is able to moderate the impact of ego-defensive function on attitude towards advertising. In general, consumers with a higher level of religiosity are more likely to respond unfavourably towards the advertisement. In addition, this study does not find any convincing evidence to support the effect of knowledge function on attitude towards advertising. The results of this study are needed by the advertising industry in order to help them to understand Muslim consumer’s behaviour which will allow firms to plan and implement appropriate strategies in the marketplace.
Examining The Relationship Of Value Proposition, Attitude Towards Advertising, Purchase Intention , And Religiosity Amongst Muslim Postgraduates In Malaysia