In-Game Advertising : The Effects Of Telepresence On The Attitude And Purchase Intention
Hussein, Zuhal
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
This study investigates the mediation impact of attitude towards telepresence on the
relationship between telepresence and users’ intentions to revisit computer games and
their intention to purchase advertised product brand within the game played.
Moderating effect of users’ experiences on relationship between telepresence and
attitude towards telepresence are also investigated. This study employs a factorial
design between subjects. Experiment was carried out on 260 undergraduate students
from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), who volunteered to participate in the Internet
game playing activities. The results of the study indicate that the construct of
telepresence (product experience, interactive experience, physical space, engagement,
and brand exposure) and attitude towards telepresence are significant predictors of
users’ intentions to revisit the game and intention to purchase the advertised product
brand. The results also indicate existence of the mediation effect of attitude towards
telepresence on the relationship between telepresence (i.e. product experience and
engagement) and users’ intention to revisit the game. Similar results were found from
telepresence (product experience) and users’ intention to purchase the advertised
product brand. In addition, the findings revealed that users’ experience moderate the
relationship between telepresence (interactive experience and engagement) and
attitude towards telepresence. The study provide useful insights for marketers and
practitioners on how to develop in-game advertising based on the concept of telepresence
that embed persuasive advertising dimensions within a computer game setting. They
provide clear understanding of game players’ preferences and effectiveness of interactive
advertising using computer game setting. These are critical for business profitability and
survival in the age of technology.
The mediation impact of attitude towards , relationship between telepresence and users