Does better performance associate with managing more Unit Trust Fund?
R. Santharen, Kaliammal
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This research has carried out to analyze the performance of Malaysian unit trust funds
for the long-term periods. The period chosen for this research was from January 1990
to December 2001. The NAV values were obtained from 'The Star' and 'The Sun'ยท
newspapers, published on monthly basis. The main objective of this study is to
explore further on the unit trust performance and also whether the managing
companies that managed more than one fund assures better returns to the investors.
The KLCI and KLIBOR rate was used as market benchmark in this research. The
study conducted by using regression test, correlation, one-way ANOVA and also
Kruskal-Wallis for the different performance measurement on unit trust funds in
Malaysia. Overall the results explained were not significant on number of fund
managing companies with the performance of the unit trust fund. The test on risk, size
and age were also not significant because it also didn't influence on the number of
fund managing companies. There is no evidence showing that the performance of the
unit trust companies is outperformed the market.
Performance Associate , Unit Trust Fund