Jangkitan Virus Ensefalitis Jepun: Kajian Epidemiologik Manusia Dan Tindakbalas Imun Mencit Terhadap lmunogen Berjangkit Dan Tidak Berjangkit
Mohd. Alim, Asiah Naina
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A prevalence study of Japanese Encephalitis was carried out in Penang
lslmid, for one year from July I <)91 to July 1994. A total of 8,080 serum
samples were collected from healthy adult blood tionors. The results showed
more than 79% of samples tested t<(bc seropositive for flavivirus. A greater
positive colour reaction correlating to higher antibody titres to JE antigen than
to the Dengue antigen by the dot enzyme immunoassay was observe'd in 6.6%
of all samples tested.
I 0% of the samples showmg higher antibody titres to JE than to Dengue,
were further tested in a plaque reduction neutralisation test (PRNT), and 20%
ofthese samples showed higher PRNT titres to JE virus than to Dengue virus.
Of these samples 18% showed PRNT titres for JE _and Dengue with similar
values, whereas 62%.showcd higher PRNT titres to Dengue as compared to JE.
High JE DEIA titres did not correlate with high JE PRNT titers when Denggi
PRNT. titers were high.
Ten of these samples that showed higher DEJA antibody titres to
Dengue as compared to JE, correlated with high neutralizing antibody titres to
Dengue by the plaqw.: reducllllll neutralisation test.
Studies on BALB/c mice aged 3 to 4 weeks in which the mice were
innoculated 0.5 ml intrapcritoneally with JE virus, at a concentratiqn of 3.5
xI 01
' PfU showed DEl A tit res at a dilution of I :250 present th_roughout the 6
week period of study . The tit res were found to increase steadily from 500 to
~De'O from the lirst to the 6th week for most of the samples tested.
Western Blot analysis of serum sample~ from mice showed mostly
antibody to NS I monomers under t;nreduced and heated conditions. When
samples had been reduced and heated, no immune reactions were seen in all
serum samples. Unreduced unheated conditions showed mostly the presence of
antibodies to NS I dimers. Reduced unheated conditions produced a mixture
of dimers and monomers and antibodies 'to these were seen.
PRNT tests carried out on these serum samples from these mice for the
first three weeks after innoculation gave higher neutralising titres to JE as
compared to Dengue virus. No immune reaction were_seen in all serum samples
from mice for six \veeks, that wen~ innoculated with vtrus lysate on both
Western Blot and DEIA tests.
lmmunoperoxidasc staining carried out on tissues from mice that were
infected with .IE virus, showed the presence of viral antigen in the brain, spleen,
kidneys, liver and lungs 111 varying proportions from lowest in the brain to
highest in the spleen.