Antecedents And Outcome Of End User Grumbling In Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Pre-Implementation Phase: A Study Among The Manufacturing Firms In Bangladesh
Mahmud, Imran
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
The success rate of enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation is low around the world owing to its complex nature. The key focus of information system (IS) researchers has been to explore the ways to reduce threats to ERP implementation posed especially by user resistance. Although the reasons for user resistance have already been dealt with in previous studies, the understanding of how users assess a new ERP system in the pre-implementation phase and what prompts their decision to resist it is far from complete. The model proposed in the present study integrates status quo, technostress and absorptive capacity, thus throwing light on the end-user grumbling behaviour that precedes the implementation of a new ERP system. Data was collected via a survey questionnaire distributed to 221 respondents from five different manufacturing industries in Bangladesh which are currently in the process of installing the popular SAP ERP system. Results of this tested model indicate a significant impact of the constructs of status quo bias and technostress on end-user grumbling. Absorptive capacity of understanding and assimilating has no significant impact but absorptive capacity of applying has significant relationship with on user resistance. Additionally, end user grumbling has positive significant impact on symbolic adoption.This doctoral thesis also acknowledges the limitations of the study and suggests the new directions for future research.
Enterprise resource planning implementation is low , owing to its complex nature