Knowledge on hand hygiene compliance among health care workers at surgical wards in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
Aminudden, Syaidatull Asmara
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Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Practices hand hygiene, through methods washing the hands with water and soap or
using alcohol-based hand rub, is a effective way to prevent infections. The healthcare
worker, who is involved in patient care directly or indirectly, not practice properly on
hand hygiene compliance because of their the knowledge were not satisfation. Thus,
this study aims to assess the level knowledge and a barriers on hand hygiene compliance
among health care workers in the surgical ward of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Total of 140 healthcare workers from wards 2 Intan and 3 Utara by category including
physicians, specialist doctor, medical and surgical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,
dietitian and health care assistants were involved in this study. A cross-sectional study
design was employed. Data was collected through a set of questionnaires adapted from
Saharman et al. (2019) and analysed using SPSS version 26. Pearson Chi-Square Test
was used to determine the association between socio-demographic characteristics with
the knowledge level on hand hygiene compliance. The majority of the respondents in
this study had good knowledge level on hand hygiene compliance (n=120, 86.0%).
Among the five factors (age, gender, race, profession and work experience) , it also
showed that there was no significant association with knowledge level as p-value >
0.05. These findings revealed that there was a need to increase healthcare workers
awareness and improve their knowledge level and barriers on hand hygiene compliance
as a preventive measure for further in preventing of healthcare associated infection
Hand Disinfection