Towards a successful implementation Business Process Management (BPM) for sustainable organization performance.
Wai Peng, Wong
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This study has examined the factors that affect the implementation of Business Process Management
(BPM) as well as the impact of BPM on organizations performance in Malaysia. Manufacturing and service firms have been our focus in this research because these sectors contributes largely to the Gross
Domestics Products (GDP) of Malaysia. Our research findings reveal that the business environment
affects the business process adoption in Malaysia. Internal factor which is strategy influences business
process adoption. Following that, this research also found that the extent of business process
implmementation affects the organization performance. The contribution of this research is a framework
that characterizes business process management and its impact on organization performance.
Kajian ini telah mengkaji faktor yang menjejaskan pelaksanaan Business Process Management serla
kesan BPM terhadap prestasi organisasi di Malaysia. Firma pembuatan dan firma perkhidmatan telah
menjadi fokus kami da/am penyelidikan ini kerana sektor ini menyumbang sebahagian besamya kepada
Gross Domestics Products (KDNK) di Malaysia. Hasil penyelidikan kami mendedahkan bahawa
persekitaran perniagaan menjejaskan penerimaan proses perniagaan di Malaysia. Faktor da/aman yang
merupakan strategi mempengaruhi penerimaan proses pemiagaan. Berikutan bahawa, penyelidikan ini
juga mendapati tahap implementasi proses perniagaan menjejaskan prestasi pertubuhan. Sumbangan
penyeJidikan in; ialah satu rangka kerja yang menerangkan pengurusan proses pemiagaan dan kesannya terhadap prestasi organisasi.
Business Process Management , Pengurusan Proses Perniagaan , Organization Performance , Prestasi syarikat , Malaysia , Malaysia