An Exploratory study of the experiences of young women and men as members of Pakatan Rakyat: a case study in Penang, Kuala lLmpur and Selangor, Malaysia

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Sue Ann, Teo
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This study explores and analyzes the differences in the experiences of young male female members of Pakatan Rakyat component parties in Penang, Kuala Lumpur Selangor. Members of these parties within the coalition of PR were chosen as respondens because of the recent introduction of a new party structure that consolidates young worn and men in the same youth wing which has given rise to an opportunity to document a study their experiences. This study attempts to identify facilitating factors and constrain influencing their experiences in the parties. The study uses a qualitative method; in-dep one-to-one interviews are conducted with 27 identified respondents through the snowballi technique. The study analyses the experiences of these young respondents by adopting framework of WHO Social Determinants of Health. As applied to this study, the framewo establishes the relationship between structural causes, intermediary factors and motivation or hindering factors to the participation of young women and men in politic l parties. The analysis showed that the experiences of these young women and men in political parties are embedded in the patriarchal values which shaped their gender perceptions and that of the political parties. Though the motivation for them to join party cuts across gender, the hindrances encountered by the young women respondents more pervasive if compared to the situation of the young men. It is interesting to note th t hindrances preventing young women's political participations are not only attributed to party's structures or the dominant behaviour of male party members. Women themselv s contribute to this through their beliefs and acceptance of women's traditional roles, whic are seen as priorities over active political participation. This leads to the conclusion th t structural reform alone may not be an adequate measure to promote gender equality ยท political participation. Other factors may be more socially inherent and deep-seated an include a young person's social environment, socialisation and intemalisation of cultur 1 norms and practices.
Pakatan Rakyat