Customer loyalty, satisfaction and marketing mix
Khoo, Khay Hooi
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The main purpose of this study is to explore the conceptual framework of marketing
mix elements - the four Ps and customer satisfaction as antecedents of customer
loyalty in the B2C environment of the infant formula industry. Based on the
cognitive-affective-conative model, customer loyalty (conative) is assumed to be
influenced by both the cognitive (represented by the 4Ps) and affective (represented
by customer satisfaction) components. This study employs a quantitative method and
non experimental. Survey responses from parents with infants at 0-3 years obtained
from five private pediatrics’ clinics in Penang analyzed using multiple regression
model supported the hypotheses that marketing mix elements and customer
satisfaction have positive influence on customer loyalty in terms of recommendation,
re-patronage and willingness to pay more. The findings confirm that brand’s
marketing mix elements and customer satisfaction were positively correlated to
customer loyalty. Findings implication to industry is on the usefulness of the
cognitive-affective-conative model in the strategic marketing planning of infant
formula brands on the customers (parents).
Business administration , Customer loyalty , Infant formula industry