Factors Influencing The Adoption And Usage Continuance Of Broadband Internet Technology Among Individuals

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Lurudusamy, Saravanan Nathan
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The Broadband Internet is simply a series of worldwide computer networks linked together, interconnecting almost instantly by using various access technologies. It is playing a major role in many areas of our lives, such as communication, entertainment and information which is supported by newer innovations and technology evolvement. While the broadband Internet penetration rate is encouraging in many countries, its adoption is still a notable issue in Malaysia. Therefore, this research is focused on identification of two relevant research streams covering broadband Internet technology, which are adoption and continuance of usage (after initial adoption) in Malaysian individual context. The theoretical framework which is utilized in this study is an integrated model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Information Science Continuance Model which has been further extended by integrating another two independent variables, namely Perceived Innovativeness and Perceived Playfulness. Significantly, this study determined the relationship among the independent variables that influence the adoption and post - adoption behavior of Broadband Internet technology among Malaysian individuals. Survey was used as the research instrument and the unit of analysis are existing broadband Internet subscribers in Malaysia, where data obtained from the survey was analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). The investigation targets are Malaysian individuals ranging from different demographic background such as age, profession, education level, working experience and others. Extensive literature review, content validation, pre-test and pilot tests were conducted to fully comprehend the underlying concept, trends and technology advancement to support this study. This study also includes the analysis based on data collected from a field study, which is in the form of questionnaire, which were printed in hardcopy and distributed to broadband Internet subscribers who walks in to telecommunication kiosks. At the same time, questionnaires were made available in the Internet and the link were emailed to existing subscribers to answer the web survey. The number of responses obtained from web survey is 89 and the number of responses obtained from hardcopy questionnaire is 367. This totals up 456 as the total responses of which only 450 are usable to be included in the analysis. It is revealed that intention to adopt Broadband Internet technology have a positive influence on initial usage, intention to continue using Broadband Internet technology have a positive influence on actual usage continuance and initial broadband Internet usage have a positive influence on usage continuance of Broadband Internet technology. This research found that Performance Expectancy, Perceived Playfulness and Facilitating Conditions are common factors that can facilitate, whereas Effort Expectancy and Perceived Innovativeness do not influence both the broadband Internet adoption growth and sustain existing users in continue using the technology. Theoretical and practical contributions of the research findings were also discussed in this research. Limitations of the research were explained and suggestions for future research were also presented.
Factors influencing the adoption and usage continuance of , broadband internet technology among individuals.