The effectiveness of a shortterm low-intensity walking intervention on lipid profile in obese adolescents

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McManus, A.M.
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Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia
There is considerable support for shifting the focus away from moderate-tovigorous exercise toward increasing low-to-moderate intensity physical activity. Experimental work has shown !bat low-intensity incidental activity rather than moderate- or vigorous-intensity activity distinguishes the lean from !be obese (Levine et a/., 2008a,b). Convincing evidence in animals verifies this proposition, showing benefit in lipid metabolic pathways from increasing lowintensity activity, as opposed to vigorous-intensity exercise (Hamilton et a/., 2007). Serum cholesterol and triglyceride have been found to decrease after only I week of increased moderate intensity physical activity, combined with the consumption of a low fat and high fibre diet (Schmidt eta/., 201 1). With the current interest in the use of low-to-moderate intensity activity-enhanced video games as an alternative form of physical activity, it is necessary to establish if similar metabolic benefit is conferred by Ibis lower intensity activity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a short-term low-intensity interactive video-game treadmill walking programme, without dietary manipulation, was effective in altering !be lipid profile of obese adolescents.
obese adolescents