Diet Prasejarah Masyarakat Pada Zaman Akhir Pleistosen Akhir Hingga Holosen Di Sarawak Dan Sabah Dari Perspektif Arkeozoologi

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Bujeng, Velat
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
This research focuses on the vertebrate faunal remains from end of Late Pleistocene to Holocene cultural which is samples dated from 32,600±210 BP to 2,000 BP in Sarawak and Sabah. Archaeozoological samples analyszed is from the evidence of latest (Gua Kain Hitam B, Bukit Tengkorak, Bukit Kamiri dan Melanta Tutup) and previous excavations (Lobang Angus, Gua Sireh, Agop Atas, Agop Sarapad, Hagop Bilo dan Pulau Balambangan) of the site in Sarawak and Sabah. The aims of this research is to resolve the issues, problems and archaeozoloogical questions covering a) identify of species vertebrate faunal and prehistoric diet, b) subsistence activities and adaptation c) hunting strategies and practices and d) modification of faunal remains. The applied method involves field work (sampling, conservations and field analysis), laboratory analysis (conservations, anatomy, taxonomy and taphonomy) and statistical analysis (TNF, NISP and MNI). The data are combined to form the interpretation of prehistoric diet from an archaeozoology perspective. Anatomy and taxonomic analysis has been provided data on the species of animals that exist and were exploiting as diet resources during end of Late Pleistocene to Holocene.
Diet Prasejarah Masyarakat Pada Zaman Akhir Pleistosen , Hingga Holosen