Comparative Chemoprevention Effect Between Mangifera Indica And Pelthophorum Pterocarpum On Colon Cancer Cell Line

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Arul Jothi, Carmelline
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
Colon cancer has been reported as the second most common cancer among men and women and the incidence is increasing every year. This cancer can be treated if it is detected at the early stage. Even though there are many advanced treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation to treat colon cancer, there are great numbers of patients who suffer from metastases. Recently, scientist have found interest in chemoprevention studies where it has become one of the most advantageous targets in identifying natural agents with demonstrable efficacy against defined molecular targets. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the effects of local plants, Mangiferaindica(MI) and Pelthophorumpterocarpum(PP) leaf extracts on colon cancer cells (HT-29). The study was conducted by obtaining the Inhibitory Concentrations (IC50).PP inhibits 50% of the growth of cancer cells at lower concentration (0.1mg/ml) than MIwhichinhibited at higher concentration (0.25mg/ml). The treatment also showed some morphological changes, like spindle or spike shape of the cells.Additional analysis was done by testing the cell cycle deregulation with flow cytometrywhich revealed that MI treatmentinduced G2/M phase and S phase arrest while PP treated cells did not cause any significant changes in HT-29 cells. Western blot results revealed that both MI and PP extracts showed apoptosis through extrinsic pathway. This is supported by the down-regulation of Caspase 8 in treatment cells compared to untreated. The result correlates with Caspase 3 protein, where MI inhibits the expression of Caspase 3. It can be concluded that both MI and PP extracts can be used as chemoprevention agents because they possess anti-cancer properties.
Colon cancer