A study on the relationship between store image, store satisfaction and store loyalty
Gondasamy, Shamila Rani
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Through this research, the researcher attempted to explore the store image, store satisfaction and store loyalty relationship in the retail industry. The research model adapted from Bloemer and Ruyter (1998) was used to link store image and store satisfaction to store loyalty. Four research hypotheses have been formulated to examine the relationships proposed. The data collected from a sample of 180 hypermarkets/supermarkets customers were used to analysis the hypotheses. The findings show that i) store image is both directly and indirectly related to store loyalty via store satisfaction, ii) store image has significant relationship with store satisfaction and iii) store satisfaction is significantly related to store loyalty. The results provide several important insights in managing hypermarkets/supermarkets. It can be concluded that loyal customers are those customers who are satisfied with the store and have a positive image towards the store.
Store , Business Administration